Questions | Frequently asked questions |
For getting additional information on interesting You questions, system provide article's publication opportunity. Articles on the subject of question (if such there are) possible read, going on the reference "Article on the subject" on question's page. In that place You may offer new articles for publications.
Registered users can do a commentary. Write that You liked in system, what on Your opinion, is possible to make better.
To obstruct a garbling the results of questioning by the way of frequentative answer by one person on one and same question, and for the preventive maintenance of wrong use by the system, is organized registration of participants. For registration is sufficiently to input indicate Your name or nick. As a rule, nobody can register himself twice from one computer. If actions of participant harm to the system, participant is warned or is excluded from list of users.
Registered users in addition get possibilities:
Registered participant can offer any question for the accompaniment in the system. If question will shown interesting, it will be added. Thereby, has a censorship, which will be cancelled with the further system development only.
Answers are accounted, and for any question always possible to see how much answers received as the whole, so and on each variant of answer separately. For participants with the password access a statistics leads apart. This statistics more qualitative, since password access, unlike simple registrations does not fasten each voice to the device number in Internet. Thereby person, having in its dictation an ensemble of device numbers (for instance, owner to large companies or system administrator) can not put into the statistics an ensemble of voices, not corresponding opinions of real people. On the other hand, password access removes restrictions for the group of people, having one Internet device in common use (one computer on all, dynamic appointment of the address when connecting to network etc.). Having got password access, each of them can, unlike simple registrations, express its private opinion and not to fear that anyone from co-users will refashion its opinion and will hereunder distort a statistics.
Participant, having password access, has a possibility to view as first, so and second statistics depending on that enters it in the system with the password or without.
Registered participant can in a sense adjust a system "under itself". For this, in particular, serves paged "Questionnaire". At present participant can change its name. Participant with the password access in addition can change a password.
Present registration system is not ideal, and if project will become sufficiently popular, it will certainly be improved. So, for instance, will possible enter a password access system. But for this it is necessary participant personal identification. Registration to the password access is planned to lead on the base certifying personality of the documents. Will sufficiently afford a xerocopy of u-turn of passport. Such registration will begin as soon as will type 100 voices "yes" in answers to correspondong question of group "Participants".
Participants, having password access, in the prospect, certainly, get new interesting possibilities. For instance:
With system development is planned also to ensure:
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